Technology Voucher (TVP) Application Process

Applying for Technology Voucher in 6 Stages

The Technology Voucher application is divided into six main stages:

  • 準備申請科技券計劃所需的文件。
  • 在科技券計劃的管理系統註冊申請公司。
  • 向系統供應商發出報價邀請和收集報價。。
  • 提供商業登記 (BR) 證明, BR表格1(a) 的復印件,
  • 提交科技券計劃申請書。
  • 評估申請企業業務的相關性。
  • 評估預算和實施細節的合理性。
  • 評估技術顧問和/或服務供應商的不良記錄
  • 當TVP申請成功後,並且在項目開始之前,必須
    與創新科技署 (ITC) 簽署資助協議。
  • 該項目限定在12個月內完成。準備最終項目報告


  • 最終項目報告
  • 最後成果的報告
  • 審核帳目:科技券計劃的每個支出項目,需要提
  • 當繳齊文件後,創新科技署會做出最後審核報告,

Stage One: Check and prepare the required documents, submit the application.

  1. Confirm the qualification of the applying company: The applying company must be a legally registered enterprise in Hong Kong, and must meet the other qualification requirements of the Technology Voucher Programme.
  2. Prepare documents: Depending on the situation of the applying company, various types of documents need to be submitted. Basic documents include business registration proof, MPF contribution records, company bank account information, patent registration certificates, etc. Additionally, documents related to the application project, such as technical solutions, market analysis reports, business plans, etc., also need to be submitted.
  3. Register for the Technology Voucher System: The company needs to register an account on the Technology Voucher System and then fill in the relevant information.
  4. Fill out the application form: After entering the Technology Voucher System, you need to fill out the relevant application forms, including the applicant’s information, details of the application project, budget of the application project, and information about the required technology suppliers.
  5. Upload documents: After filling out the application form, you need to upload relevant documents, including business registration proof, technical solutions, market analysis reports, business plans, etc.
  6. Confirm the details filled in: After completing the application form and uploading the relevant documents, it is necessary to carefully check whether the content filled in is correct and error-free.
  7. Submit the application: After confirming that the content is correct and error-free, you can submit the application. After submission, the company can view the progress of the application and related approval results on the Technology Voucher System.

Second Phase: Application assessment conducted by the Innovation and Technology Bureau.

Detailed steps are as follows:

  1. Verify application information and documents: The Innovation and Technology Bureau will verify whether the information and documents submitted by the applicant are complete. If there are any deficiencies or further supplements are needed, the Innovation and Technology Bureau will request the applicant to provide additional information or documents.
  2. Conduct assessment of the application project: The Innovation and Technology Bureau will assess the feasibility and commercial value of the application project, and evaluate the capabilities and experience of the applicant.
  3. Establish an Evaluation Committee: The Innovation and Technology Bureau will establish an Evaluation Committee to conduct assessments. The Committee will evaluate and screen the application projects submitted by applicants and decide whether they are eligible for the Technology Voucher.
  4. Evaluate application documents and information: The Evaluation Committee will assess based on the documents and information submitted by the applicant. If more information or proof is needed, the Committee will request the applicant to provide it.
  5. Evaluate the application project: The Evaluation Committee will assess the application project submitted by the applicant. If it meets the criteria, the Committee will notify the applicant to proceed to the next stage.
  6. Reject the application: If the Evaluation Committee decides not to approve the application, the Innovation and Technology Bureau will send a rejection letter to the applicant, explaining the reasons for the rejection.
  7. Proceed to the next stage: After the assessment in the second stage, the applicant can proceed to the third stage, which involves signing the contract and implementing the project.

Third and Fourth Stages: Receive notification from the Innovation and Technology Bureau and execute the project.

After receiving the notification from the Innovation and Technology Bureau, the applicant needs to enter the Technology Voucher System to confirm whether they have received the Technology Voucher funding. If funded, they need to sign the contract and start project implementation. The detailed steps are as follows:

  1. Confirm receipt of the Technology Voucher: The applicant needs to confirm in the Technology Voucher System whether they have received the Technology Voucher funding, and review the amount and conditions of the funding.
  2. Sign the contract: After receiving the Technology Voucher, the applicant needs to sign a contract. The contract includes details such as the objectives of the application project, timeline, budget, fund utilization, and reporting requirements.
  3. Begin project implementation: After signing the contract, the applicant can start implementing the project. During the implementation, the applicant needs to follow the contract requirements, adhere to the timeline and budget, and ensure that the project objectives and requirements are met.
  4. In summary, signing the contract and implementing the project are the final stages of the Technology Voucher application process. The applicant must strictly adhere to the contract requirements, ensuring that the project is implemented according to the timeline and budget, and achieves the set objectives and requirements.”

Fifth and Sixth Stages: Submit the final report and audit accounts, receive payments.

Here are the detailed steps:

  1. Complete the project: Within the implementation period of the project, the applicant needs to complete all the work of the Technology Voucher project and achieve the expected outcomes and objectives.
  2. Prepare the final project report: After the completion of the project, the applicant needs to write the final project report, detailing the content, outcomes, and benefits of the project, and provide relevant supporting documents and photos.
  3. Submit the report: After completing the final project report, the applicant needs to submit the report and related supporting documents to the Innovation and Technology Bureau for review.
  4. Audit the report: The Innovation and Technology Bureau will review the final project report and related documents submitted by the applicant to confirm whether the outcomes and benefits of the project meet the requirements and standards of the Technology Voucher Programme.
  5. Audit of accounts: In addition to the audit of the final project report, the Innovation and Technology Bureau will also conduct an audit of the accounts to verify the applicant’s use of the Technology Voucher funding, ensuring compliance with the requirements and standards of the Technology Voucher Programme.
  6. Notify the results: After the audit is completed, the Innovation and Technology Bureau will send a notification to the applicant, informing them of the application result. If the audit result is satisfactory, the applicant will receive the final payment of the Technology Voucher funding. If the audit result is unsatisfactory, the Innovation and Technology Bureau will inform the applicant of the reasons for disqualification and related details, and require the applicant to correct the relevant issues.

Overview of Technology Voucher Application

The TVP (Technology Voucher Programme) is a funding scheme launched by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong to adopt new technologies to enhance their competitiveness and efficiency. The programme is managed by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) and offers up to HKD 600,000 in funding to eligible enterprises.

  1. Funding Scope: The funding scope of the TVP (Technology Voucher Programme) covers various technology projects such as web design, data analysis, POS systems, CRM systems, and more. Enterprises can choose technology projects suitable for themselves to apply for.
  2. Funding Amount: Each enterprise can receive a maximum of HKD 600,000 in funding, and the amount of funding can be adjusted depending on the scale and needs of the project.
  3. Funding Ratio: The funding ratio of the TVP (Technology Voucher Programme) is three to one, meaning the government funds three parts and the enterprise contributes one part.
  4. Eligibility for Application: Enterprises applying for the TVP (Technology Voucher Programme) need to meet the following criteria: (a) being a small or medium-sized enterprise registered in Hong Kong; (b) the enterprise has not previously received government funding for the same or similar technology projects.
  5. Application Process: Enterprises applying for the TVP (Technology Voucher Programme) need to apply online through the ITC website, submitting the application form and relevant documents. After applying, the ITC will conduct a preliminary review. Applications that pass will enter the detailed approval stage.
  6. Approval Process: The approval process for the TVP (Technology Voucher Programme) includes a preliminary review and a detailed review. The preliminary review primarily ensures that the applying enterprise meets the eligibility and application requirements. The detailed review includes technical assessment, commercial evaluation, and project review, among others.步驟,ITC會在45個工作天內通知申請企業

Common Misunderstandings About the Technology Voucher Application Process

Misconception 1: Only technology companies can apply for the Technology Voucher.

Fact: In addition to technology companies, any enterprise registered in Hong Kong can apply for the Technology Voucher, as long as the project meets the application standards and eligibility requirements.

Misconception 2: Applying for the Technology Voucher requires technical expertise.

Fact: Applicants do not need to have professional technical knowledge and can hire a Technology Voucher consultant to assist with the application.

Misconception 3: The Technology Voucher can only be used for technological research and development.

Fact: The scope of funding for the Technology Voucher is very broad, including various technology projects such as website development, POS systems, data analysis, and smart manufacturing.

Misconception 4: Only large enterprises can apply for the Technology Voucher.

Fact: The Technology Voucher is open for application to enterprises of any size, whether small, medium, or large.

Misconception 5: Applying for the Technology Voucher requires an extremely detailed business plan.

Fact: Applicants only need to briefly introduce the concept and purpose of the project, as well as the expected benefits.

Misconception 6: Applying for the Technology Voucher requires past experience in technology projects.

Fact: Applicants do not need to have experience in past technology projects, as long as the project meets the application standards and eligibility requirements.

Misconception 7: The Technology Voucher can only be used with local suppliers.

Fact: The use of the Technology Voucher is not limited to local suppliers; it can also be used to purchase technology products or services from overseas suppliers to meet the needs of the applying enterprise.